Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Step In The Right Direction

I couldn't sleep last night. It's been over ten years since I had to do an interview for a job. Ten freaking years?! Wow.

~*Okay so we were all herded into a room and was told we were getting laid off, but it felt like a sticky note was left on our desk*~

I got up this morning with anticipation, my interview wasn't until 11:00 a.m. MST, but dammit I was excited. No butterflies, not nervous just so damn happy!

I have been in a call center environment since I was at the legal age to work, so it seems like forever. When I moved here to Colorado in 2000, I started at the job that laid me off this year. I worked my way up to the highest department that the company had. Yay! I was in that department, The Office of the President, for two and a half years, until the blade came down on the guillotine. WHACK! That was in June.

~*This was my cubicle. Home away from home*~

So I was so super excited to get an email stating that they would like to do a phone interview. The phone interview went well, and I was set up for an in-person interview which was for today. I was ten minutes early, and I think that helped out a little bit too. I feel it went well. It was only a twenty minute interview, and I think I am way qualified for this job. It's the same call center customer service job, but it's a job and it's money! It will have to hold me over until I finish school for my Mortuary Science Degree, which starts in January and runs for three years. One year pre-requisites and the two year associates.

I will know by the end of this week or the beginning of next week that I have the job. That's right HAVE, because there is no other option dammit! I really need a job.


Jon Hanson said...

Great positive thinking - you're right, you HAVE this job. You kicked the crap out of that interviews ass and are a shoo in (no idea how to spell that) for this sucka.


Just Plain Tired said...

I remember feeling a bit lost on my last job interview. I had held the same job for 22 years prior to that before deciding to make a change.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like what my friend went to. He was working at Border's but because it was only for the holidays he was laid off and then after like 7 months he is now working at Sears.


GoofyGirl said...

Hey, best of luck!

JeffScape said...

A couple of years after I got out of the Army, I went on a shit-ton of interviews. Just so I could turn the jobs down. Oh, that felt so good.

Canadianbloggergirl said...

Good for you, let us know WHEN you get the job!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! My husband waited almost a month before he found out he got his job earlier this year. that was a stressful month!

Sunshine Morrighan said...

*knock, knock* I'm good but my job is kicking my ass. We insure ski resorts so this time of year is crazy busy. *sigh* So, glad to hear your interview went well and I expect to hear good news in a few days. Time for you to get back on your feet and move forward with your life ... and leave the jackasses behind. :-D